Rowan Shee with native plants being propogated in pots

Creation care in Cairns

In the Wet Tropics bioregion of far north Queensland, member Rowan Shee has propagated seedlings of native rainforest and coastal trees at his own property at Trinity Beach near Cairns. He has donated the plants to nature conservation projects at sites where the tree species are most suited, including a revegetation program on Thomatis Creek. This estuary, a distributary of the Barron River, is naturally becoming larger and the banks are migrating laterally. To halt the erosion process on privately-owned land, a Landcare organisation (Terrain NRM) instigated tree-planting to stabilise the riverbank. A local community organisation was then given charge of the project and Rowan has provided technical advice as well as many hours controlling voracious competing grass and other weeds. Working bees have seen enthusiastic volunteers of many ages planting additional seedlings beside Thomatis Creek.

This story was shared in the Summer 2020 A Rocha Australia ENews.

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