Project: Dusky Woodswallow Reserve

Subject: research

Location: Riverina, NSW

Traditional lands of the Wirajuri people

Cassinia Environmental is establishing a new conservation reserve near West Wyalong and has asked A Rocha to assist with collecting baseline data.

Sweeping view of revegetated farmland from a short rise with Mallee eucalypts and red soil.

The 1,700 ha property includes areas of remnant woodland and 848 ha of former grazing and cropping land revegetated by direct seeding in 2013. Adjacent to Buddigower Nature Reserve, the area is renowned as a hotspot for bird species.

Key outcomes so far:

– survey sites established within each identified remnant Plant Community Type (PCT) and revegetated area

– Systematic bird surveys using the 2 ha / 20 min search method in each survey site

– Permanent photo-monitoring sites being established in each survey site

Superb Parrot Polytelis swainsonii, 3 people installing a remote monitoring camera, a Grey-crowned Babbler Pomatostomus temporalis
Photos of Mallee and open shrubland, Pink Cockatoo, 3 people collecting vegetation information in the field

A Rocha Australia is considering how it will support research and conservation work here into the future.

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