Algate church context

Hills Baptist Church Aldgate, SA

Our church is located in the Adelaide Hills on a large steeply sloping block, with native vegetation (large eucalypts) in some areas, and small flower beds and grassy slopes in others.

Many years ago, a small group raised awareness of basic elements of Creation Care and Fair Trade. A split bin system was introduced and new tea and coffee suppliers sourced.

In 2022 a more formal Creation Care group was formed, meeting fortnightly and watching a series of videos put out by A Rocha International (the Lausanne Global Classroom) – providing much food for thought and discussion.

Some group members have been involved in a local project, controlling weeds and revegetating after a devastating local bushfire.  It is so important for locals to see Christians in this space. Others have participated in some of the A Rocha revegetation projects in South Australia, including working with Indigenous elders to restore their traditional lands.

Contributed by Karen Moseley. To read the full article, see p12-13 of the Summer 2023-24 Enews.

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